I love taking them to the beach because you really get to see their different personalities come out. Jetzen will plow straight into the water without a care in the world. The lead comes off and he is off and running.
Phoenix is a bit more cautious, especially around water. She would much rather hang back at my heels and suss everything out. I would say it takes her a good 20 min before she will investigate the water. Once she does though she has a great time playing chasey with the waves. She reminds me of a little kid standing, staring at the water and as the wave comes in they turn and run as fast as they can away from the water, and then, as it receedes they chase it back down again. It is hillarious when she miss times her run and the water touches her paw unexpectedly, she leaps sideways in the air to get away from it - funny!!
There was a great sand bar a little ways out and I decided to wade across and see if the dogs would follow. As I headed out Jetz came running from up the beach at a zillion miles an hour, as did Nix, however as they approached the water Nix hit the brakes while Jetzen bounded in. As he realised she had stopped, he sort of froze mid bounce through the waves, looked at me, looked at Nix and couldn't decide what to do. He chose to go back to Nix and then proceeded to jump into the water look at me, bark at Nix and jump out again. Look at the water, bark at Nix and jump in the water again. This went on for about 5 minutes. I swear he was trying to tell Nix it was ok!! Eventually Nix decided to come in and they had a great time running through the shallow water.