Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Past Few Weeks!!

Hmmm - what can I say other than life's been a bit hectic lately and thus I haven't updated the blog as often as I would like. Sorry folks :)

The furry kids are doing well, and Jetzen is growing, and growing, and growing!! My little puppy is not so little anymore. He's now 17 weeks and is only about an inch or so shorter than Phoenix. He still hasn't managed to grow into his ears yet though!! The following pic may not be the best photo, but it's a great one of Jetz doing his bat impersonation.

The little man is fitting in very well still and he and Nix play for hours on end. She is very tolerant with him, more so than what most dogs would be I think. Jetz will literally try and stand on Nix and she lets him. Nix is such a lovely girl and ever so patient!

One of Jetzen's greatest attributes is his lovely nature. Everywhere I have taken him and everything he has seen he just takes in his stride. He is still very appropriate too with his body language. He has met quite a number of dogs of all different breeds, sizes and ages in many different environments and has handled both the dog and the situation perfectly. There is nothing that seems to bother him. At training he will quite happily lie down calmly and watch - even with the likes of Indie, Domino and Maverick racing around the equipment.

Jetz is a definite character, and oh so funny and mischievous. Give him half a chance and he will get hold of something he is not supposed to and have a grand old time with it :) It's been great for helping me keep the house tidy, and for teaching the kids to put their stuff away!!

Thanks again to Mary & Stephen Bilson for breeding such a lovely puppy. I will never be able to thank you enough for both Phoenix & Jetzen.

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