Thursday, September 24, 2009

Success at Last!!

It's finally happened - I think the penny has finally dropped for Miss Nixy Pixy!! At training tonight she put together her first set of 12 weave poles!! YAY!! Those dreaded blasted weave poles are no longer the bane of our existence, they are friend, not foe - well..... for tonight anyway :)

Not only was she doing the poles when she was asked but was willingly entering of her own accord. She had drive into them and a spring out - it was great. She was actually enjoying racing through the poles and thought it was a great game. It is truely amazing how sometimes no matter how much we try (and lord knows I've tried with those blasted weave poles) there just isn't a darn thing more to be done until that lightbulb goes on inside our beloved canine's head and they just 'get it'.

Hmmm - now to wait and see if she can do it again!! :)

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